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About Boshkung RIver Cascades

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This is a stretch of very small waterfalls along the river between Sherborne Lake and St. Nora Lake. The river falls about 24 m from the former to the latter. Much of this drop occurs about mid-way between the two lakes, along a major topographic drop below a wetland.

All of the falls are very small, but each offers a little oasis of calm. The 'calm' is helped due to the fact that you cannot reach this site without paddling to it. While this is far from a wilderness site, and you are likely to see other paddlers from time to time, you can expect to have the place to yourself at times.

Access to these falls is via the Haliburton Highlands Water Trails-Frost Centre Access Point, right along Hwy 35. This spot serves as a launching site for numerous canoe routes in Haliburton; you can even rent canoes here. The driving directions lead to this point, but I don't know if you can leave your car here.

Please contact the association for information on rentals, parking and tips on the route. hhwt.goingtocamp.com . This is located next to the legendary Leslie Frost Centre.This complex had a long history in the training of legions of environmental and natural resources professionals, from forest rangers to yours truly. Sold by the government in 2004, it was later purchased by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union.

The trip to the falls requires a 3 km paddle to the northeast end of St. Nora Lake, followed by an additional 300 m trip up the river. The river is not navigable at the cascades, and the portage route leads up through the woods about 50-75 m to the west (left of the river). You may choose to continue up the river as far as you can and then hike uphill

Some Key Facts
Region Cottage
County Haliburton
Near Frost Centre
Watercourse Boshkung River
Watershed / % Lakes /
Ownership Crown Land
Landscape Semi-wilderness
Size Very Small
Type Cascade
Modification Natural
Access Shorter Water Route
Top / Bottom /
Trail conditions Shorter Water Route
Hiking Time
Coordinates 45.1678,-78.8138
Site ID WOO.HAL.003
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This project has been online since 1999, in print since 2003, and on social since 2011. (See archives: 2003, 2012, 2018). It was the first to inventory and map Ontario's waterfalls for recreational purposes. With your continued help, it grows. Learn more...
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This page last updated on April 20, 2024. Earlier versions can be examined on Archive.org, dating back to 2003.