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About Devils Cellar Rapids

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This site is one of many rapids and cascades along this stretch of the Petawawa River. I hope to be able to do this sometime, as the names alone have intrigued me for years. Devil's Cellar has been called a class V rapids by whitewater paddlers.

This section of the river has been popular with whitewater paddlers for many years. None of the waterfalls are very big by themselves. In each case, the drop is probably no more than 2 or 3 metres. But taken together, this is a fabulous stretch of river for waterfalls, especially for those that are whitewater paddling fans.

I do not believe that this stretch is accessible by land. Only Poplar Rapids (see entry for), just upstream from Achray Road, should be accessible on foot.

Devil's Cellar Rapids is about 3 km upstream from Achray Road. I have still coded this rapids as red, because travel upstream along the river would require many portages and some areas of strong current. It's my understanding that most paddlers work their way down the river, possibly from Cedar Lake, as part of a multi-day camping trip.

The driving directions lead to the parking lot at Lake Traverse, for convenience for paddlers that may wish to try paddling upstream. I have no idea if this is even possible to do in a day. If you have more information, please let me know.

Some Key Facts
Region Northeast
County Nipissing
Near Lake Traverse
Watercourse Petawawa River
Watershed / % Lakes 3 / 23%
Ownership Algonquin Provincial Park
Landscape Wilderness
Size Small
Type Low Cascade
Modification Natural
Access No Land-based Access
Top / Bottom /
Trail conditions Overnight Water Route
Hiking Time
Coordinates 45.95019,-78.0921
Site ID WOO.NIP.017
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This project has been online since 1999, in print since 2003, and on social since 2011. (See archives: 2003, 2012, 2018). It was the first to inventory and map Ontario's waterfalls for recreational purposes. With your continued help, it grows. Learn more...
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This page last updated on April 20, 2024. Earlier versions can be examined on Archive.org, dating back to 2003.