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Map tech © Dan Good, 2021-2024.

© About this Map

Waterfalls of Ontario is a book!
Waterfalls of Ontario is also a book! 280 pages, full colour, $29.95. Available online and in stores. Learn more...
Our Responsibility
Waterfalls get closed when people are injured or ruin lands.

Please don't trespass, don't litter, and stay on the trail.
Warning: Waterfalls are dangerous - You aren't permitted to use this site unless you read, understand and accept the Website Disclaimer

What do the Dots Mean?

This map shows waterfalls that are believed to be accessible to the public. For the most part, it does not include waterfalls that are on private property or in prohibited areas. Learn about exceptions...

Size of Map Points:
Larger points identify waterfalls that usually offer a better visiting experience. Smaller map points show waterfalls that won't impress most people.

Size isn't everything: small waterfalls can be rewarding too, and some large waterfalls are boring. Learn more about waterfall rating...

Green points:
Waterfalls that can be easily reached by most visitors. They may be difficult in winter.

Yellow points:
Waterfalls that are harder to reach. There may be a long trail, steep slopes, or no trail. The roads may be very poor. Use caution! Sometimes used to identify waterfalls only visible from the road.

Blue points:
Waterfalls accessed only by canoe, kayak or boat. Less than about 5 km trip, making it possible for most paddlers to get back in a day.

Red points:
Waterfalls only accessible by water, and much further from land access. Paddlers would need an overnight camping trip.

Information Source?

The map of waterfall points is an original product. It doesn't come from government maps or google maps. It is the result of 25 years of research and input from users like you.

Earlier versions of this list were published in the 'Waterfalls of Ontario' book, which first appeared in 2003. These lists presented the first survey of waterfalls for recreational use in Ontario.

Many of the waterfall names here are placeholders that were devised by this project. Some other websites now unknowingly use these same placeholder names, as well as this website's naming convention. This shows how influential this project has become.

Waterfalls of Ontario is a book!
Waterfalls of Ontario is also a book! 280 pages, full colour, $29.95. Available online and in stores. Learn more...
Our Responsibility
Waterfalls get closed when people are injured or ruin lands.

Please don't trespass, don't litter, and stay on the trail.

Waterfalls are Missing

Even after 25 years, there are more waterfalls to be discovered and added to this map. Please email me if you can provide additional information.

Note: Some waterfalls are missing. This project does not knowingly include sites that are on private property or in prohibted areas. With just a few exceptions, I consider it to be unethical to promote these here.

Tech Note

Special thanks go to Dan Good for developing the current map interface. Dan believes in the grass roots promotion of local tourism. His code is copyright.

Terms of Use

This map is provided for use within this website but it is not available to be incoprorated into other websites. The author claims copyright. This custom map includes custom names and naming conventions, subjective evaluations, links to copyrighted photographs and unique coordinates. Misappropriation of this map is unethical and violates intellectual property rights.

Previous versions of the map have been downloaded by others and presented elsewhere. Those doing so implied that it was their product. They unknowingly used this project's custom placeholder names, naming convention and exact coordinates. This made their plagiarism easy for others to see. Even the mistakes made in earlier maps were copied verbatim! A few mistakes have purposely been introduced here to trace misuse by others. Can you spot them?

Map Appearance

Just in case the map is not appearing on your device, this is what it should look like:

Interactive Waterfall Map, by Waterfalls of Ontario

Waterfalls of Ontario Project

This project has been online since 1999, in print since 2003, and on social since 2011. (See archives: 2003, 2012, 2018). It was the first to inventory and map Ontario's waterfalls for recreational purposes. With your continued help, it grows. Learn more...
Waterfalls of Ontario is a book!
The book
Waterfalls of Ontario is a book!
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Important Stuff

This page last updated on May 3, 2024. Earlier versions can be examined on, dating back to 2003.