Waterfalls Of Ontario

   You must read the 'Terms of Use'    before using this site...    Stay safe!    Don't trespass!    Pack it out!

   You must read the 'Terms of Use'    before using this site...    Stay safe!    Don't trespass!    Pack it out!

Restricted and Private Waterfalls

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Follow @waterfallsofontario on Instagram. Slowly getting caught up, but lots of great photos and interaction.

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Waterfalls with Restrictions / Private Property

This list identifies waterfalls that are known to be on private property, or, that have some restrictions for visiting. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to stay away from places where you are not allowed to be. In some places (eg. Hamilton) people are receiving $750 fines.

Show me the list

This web site, book and Facebook group normally seek to avoid waterfalls on private property. In some cases, visitors are tolerated. In northern Ontario, for example, very large properties are owned by logging companies and signs have said "Enjoy the forest".

Some sites on public property that can normally be accessed may have parking limitations, admission charges, or no-go zones. Some are temporarily closed. This list is not guaranteed to be accurate. Conditions change.

Why should I care about prohibited areas?

Some waterfalls have areas that are off-limits. This may be to protect YOU or to protect the natural environment. In recent years, the number of prohibited areas has increased dramatically. This is because more and more people are ignoring warnings, trashing sites, or endangering their safety.

Please do your part to keep our waterfalls accessible

Waterfall Restriction
Albion FallsGorge access prohibited
Balls FallsAdmission charge
Balls Falls, UpperAdmisison charge
Belfountain FallsClosed 2021, maintenance
Burleigh Falls Temp closure possible, overuse
Buttermilk FallsPrivate land below falls near lake
Canning FallsPrivate Property
Cataract FallsAdmission charge
Cataract FallsGorge access prohibited
Chedoke FallsAccess prohibited, lots of fines
Crowe Bridge RapidsClosed 2021, overuse
Decew Falls LowerTrail temporarily closed
Dore FallsPrivate property
Eugenia FallsAdmission charge
Eugenia FallsGorge access prohibited
Everton CascadePrivate property
Fagan's FallsPrivate Property
Fuller FallsPrivate Property
Hayward FallsPrivate Property
Healey FallsTemp closure possible, overuse
Hilton FallsReservations required
Hilton FallsAdmission charge
Hornings MillsPrivate property, roadside view only
Indian FallsNo winter access
Indian FallsGorge access prohibited
Inglis FallsAdmission charge
Inglis FallsGorge access prohibited
Lavender FallsPrivate Property
Limehouse RapidsLimited parking available
Mill Falls, AncasterPrivate, some access tolerated
Mill Falls, AlmontePrivate Property, roadside view only
Mystery FallsNot welcome to be included on this site
Oxenden FallsPrivate Property
Ranney FallsTemp closure possible, overuse
Rock Glen FallsAdmission charge
Rosseau Falls, LowerPrivate property, roadside view only
Sauble FallsAdmission charge
Sherman FallsPrivate property, view from distance only.
Smokey Hollow FallsGorge access prohibited
Stephanie FallsPrivate Property
Terra Cotta FallsAdmisison charge
Tews FallsReservations required
Tews FallsLimited parking available
Three Brothers FallsPrivate Property, canoe access only
The ChutesAdmission charge
Tiffany FallsAdmission charge
Tiffany FallsLimited parking available
Wahoosh FallsCompletely fenced off
Walters FallsPrivate Property, guests only
Washboard FallsLimited access, private property
Waterdown FallsLimited parking available
Waterdown FallsGorge access prohibited
Websters FallsAdmisison charge
Websters FallsLimited parking available
Websters FallsNo Gorge Access
White Pine ChutePrivate property, roadside view only
Yarker FallsPrivate property, roadside view only

This page uploaded September 3, 2021.