About this waterfall.

About McCutcheons Falls

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This surprisingly large waterfall has characteristics of a slide-type falls, where the jet mostly flows along bedrock that dips downstream. It's impossible to photograph the whole falls from the shore, given the shape of the river and limitations of land access. There are no signs to guide visiitors to the falls, but it is only 20 m from the road. Expect to have to make your way across uneven ground and through some thick brush.

The site is coded with two stars, because of limitations of access and viewing. It would otherwise be three stars due to its size. Flows can drop significantly during a dry summer or fall.

This web page used to indicate that this falls was surrounded by private property. Thist may have been the case at one point. But a recent drive-by shows that whatever structure or home that was nearby is now gone. Further, a look at the land parcel mapping shows that the road right-of-way and the river right-of-way merge. This says to me that you are able to walk down to the falls.

Desipte the above, please heed any private property signs, and certainly, don't wander downstream, as there is a private residence not far away. It's possible that public access is limited to the immediate area of the falls.

This site is coded yellow due to the lack of trails. While the falls is not far from the road, and the journey isn't too difficult, it's no walk in the park. To reach the falls, visitors would have to scramble over uneven ground and thick brush. This may change if more people visit.

Some Key Facts
Region Cottage
County Muskoka
Near Vankoughnet
Watercourse Black River
Watershed / % Lakes 3 / 13%
Ownership Road Allowance
Landscape Rural
Size Medium
Type Slide
Modification Natural
Access Easy
Top / Bottom Difficult / Moderate, thick brush
Trail conditions Dirt, steep hill
Hiking Time 3 min
Coordinates 44.9922,-79.0491
Site ID WOO.MUS.035
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Waterfalls of Ontario Project

This project has been online since 1999, in print since 2003, and on social since 2011. (See archives: 2003, 2012, 2018). It was the first to inventory and map Ontario's waterfalls for recreational purposes. With your continued help, it grows. Learn more...
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This page last updated on April 20, 2024. Earlier versions can be examined on Archive.org, dating back to 2003.