About this waterfall.

About Moore Creek Falls

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This is a remarkable waterfall. If it was easier to reach, it would be much better-known. It's bigger than it looks in this photo. When I approached and saw the base of the river way below, I was really surprised at the height. Water levels do drop in summer, but I don't think that it dries out.

The falls are on crown land. Adventurers can paddle from the community of Madawaska. There is a public boat launch at the Madawaska Community Centre. From here, the distance is about 3.5 km. It's my understanding that motor boats can navigate close to the base of the falls. NOTE: Visiting by water gives the best head-on views of the falls.

It is also possible to hike to this falls, but you MUST get permission first. The owner at Red Deer Log Cabins is currently happy to let you park your car, and will give you instructions for the hike through their property. A modest parking fee is charged, but this is fair given that this is a private business trying to make a go of it. And it's worth it for this waterfall! NOTE: The parking coordinates are for the cabins. You cannot park here unless you get permission. Please call ahead to be sure.

The hike takes just under 30 minutes each way. It is pretty easy going, with the exception of a section of standing water (about 10 cm deep) at one short section along the trail. Rubber boots work great! The trail pops out at the upper falls, which is smaller (2 stars) but worth a peek.

The hike to the main falls follows a path along the side of the river, heading downstream from the upper falls. It has some steep sections with a few roots and rocks, but is reasonably well travelled. You can view the main falls part way down, or from the base. I do believe that the view from the water route is better; I had trouble getting good shots from land. Oh, and don't visit in the afternoon if it's sunny. You will be shooting right into the sun.

Some Key Facts
Region Northeast
County Nipissing
Near Madawaska
Watercourse Madawaska River
Watershed / % Lakes 2 / 12%
Ownership Crown Land
Landscape Wilderness
Size Large
Type Steep Cascade
Modification Natural
Access Shorter Water Route
Top / Bottom Moderate / Difficult
Trail conditions Shorter Water Route
Hiking Time
Coordinates 45.485,-77.9906
Site ID WOO.NIP.049
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This project has been online since 1999, in print since 2003, and on social since 2011. (See archives: 2003, 2012, 2018). It was the first to inventory and map Ontario's waterfalls for recreational purposes. With your continued help, it grows. Learn more...
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This page last updated on April 20, 2024. Earlier versions can be examined on Archive.org, dating back to 2003.