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About Mystery Falls

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This falls lives up to its name. I had heard about it for years, but nobody seemed to know how to find it. Fortunately, it's now accessible along the Mystery Creek Side Trail of the main Ausable Trail. The falls is about 5 m high and features one of the deepest overhanging rock ledges that I've visited in Ontraio; probably more than even at Bridal Veil Falls. Some visitors have stood up behind the falls.

Unfortunately, this falls dries up completely for much of the year. The best time to visit is March, April and early May. Having said this, I've seen members of our Facebook group post photos taken from other times. Even if the flow has dried up, this is a fun hike.

The hike to Mystery Falls has some steep sections, but is otherwise manageable for most adults. From the parking area, visitors walk back along Elm Tree Road for about 50 m. At this point, a signed trail leads off into the woods on the left. Caution: There is much private property signed in the area, and in the past, signs have indicated that traps have been set. Please stay on the trail.

The hike includes some hilly sections and can be a bit muddy in spring. The total hike is 10-20 minutes, depending on your speed. Note that the trail leads across the creek. During all but the highest flows, this is not a problem, as the creek does crosss over some rocky flats above the falls. This gives stable footing but also keeps the water level shallow.

After visiting Mystery Falls, some visitors extend their hike by continuing down to the Ausable River, turn left, and return to the parking area via a loop trail. The total trip takes about 40-60 min of hiking. Two extremely small waterfalls are passed on the way. In spring, the soils can be muddy and wet, so wear appropriate footwear. Also, the road has been known to wash out in spring; several members of our Facebook group have had to park well before the parking lot.

Some Key Facts
Region Lake Huron
County Middlesex
Near Arkona
Watercourse Ausable River (tributary)
Watershed / % Lakes 1 / 0%
Ownership Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
Landscape Rural, forested
Size Small
Type Wide Plunge
Modification Natural
Access Challenging
Top / Bottom Moderate / Moderate
Trail conditions Dirt, steep hills, wet spot
Hiking Time 20 min
Coordinates 43.10727,-81.810541
Site ID WOO.MID.002
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Waterfalls of Ontario Project

This project has been online since 1999, in print since 2003, and on social since 2011. (See archives: 2003, 2012, 2018). It was the first to inventory and map Ontario's waterfalls for recreational purposes. With your continued help, it grows. Learn more...
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This page last updated on April 20, 2024. Earlier versions can be examined on Archive.org, dating back to 2003.