About this waterfall.

About Thunderhouse Falls

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Rugged, with steep, sheer and irregular cliffs, this site offers a number of cascades that roar through the boreal forest like few others in Ontario. Like something from another planet, this is a dream waterfall site that very few of us will visit.

I expect that the waterfall will land on serious waterfallers' bucket last as the 'next' New Post Falls; large, scary, and located just beyond the fringe of where most of us would be comfortable to travel to.

A huge expanse of jagged, bare bedrock stretches out in all directions. The river finds its way through, but not before creating a series of cascades of various sizes and shapes.

The only way to reach Thunder House Falls by land right now is by a winter snowshoe trail. The route crosses wetlands that would otherwise be impassable in summer. It's 10 km long, making for a 20 km return trip. I don't know about you, but I'm not fit enough to do this one! The challenge is on for younger, fitter waterfallers. A land route is reportedly being planned, but would certainly require an overnight camp.

The only other way to reach the falls is by water. And this is one of those trips that is best done in a group, preferably one with a guide.

Some Key Facts
Region Northeast
County Cochrane
Watercourse Missinaibi River
Watershed / % Lakes 4 / 48%
Ownership Missinabi River Provincial Park
Landscape Wilderness
Size Large
Type Complex Cascade
Modification Natural
Access No Land-based Access
Top / Bottom /
Trail conditions Overnight Water Route
Hiking Time
Coordinates 50.0523,-83.1855
Site ID WOO.COC.029
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Waterfalls of Ontario Project

This project has been online since 1999, in print since 2003, and on social since 2011. (See archives: 2003, 2012, 2018). It was the first to inventory and map Ontario's waterfalls for recreational purposes. With your continued help, it grows. Learn more...
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This page last updated on April 20, 2024. Earlier versions can be examined on Archive.org, dating back to 2003.